For the second time this year, ORISA donated the “Jena Prize for Civil Courage”. The award ceremony took place on September 27 in Jena’s town hall. As an open-minded company from Thuringia, ORISA is happy to support this prize, which sends out a signal against discrimination and exclusion.
This year, Moritz Henniger was honored for his unprecedented intervention during a school event. In June, Moritz showed civil courage during a violent altercation in the school playground when a fellow pupil attacked and injured another. He calmed the injured man with breathing exercises that he knew from the voluntary fire department. When the injured boy’s father arrived, the situation came to a head again. Moritz acted quickly and constructively, supported the teacher, called for help and calmed down the surrounding pupils. He thus helped to defuse the situation and stood by frightened classmates.
Congratulations to Moritz, who set a sign of compassion and solidarity through his exemplary behavior. After all, mutual respect is the basis for moving forward together, not only in a professional context, but also in society.