Last Satur­day, the Coope­ra­ti­ve Uni­ver­si­ty Gera-Eisen­ach ope­ned its doors to ever­yo­ne who is curious to find out more about the diver­se Bache­lor’s degree pro­grams in the fields of busi­ness, tech­no­lo­gy, IT and social sci­en­ces. The ORISA team was on site as a prac­ti­ce part­ner and took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to get in touch with num­e­rous pro­s­pec­ti­ve stu­dents and ans­wer all their ques­ti­ons about the dual stu­dy pro­gram.

Are you curr­ent­ly loo­king for an app­ren­ti­ce­ship in the edu­ca­tio­nal jungle and not sure whe­ther a dual stu­dy pro­gram is right for you? Find out by thin­king about whe­ther the fol­lo­wing state­ments app­ly to you:

  • You are inte­res­ted in tech­no­lo­gy and alre­a­dy have basic know­ledge of IT.

  • You learn best when you try things out for yours­elf.

  • You find the oppor­tu­ni­ty to com­bi­ne theo­ry and prac­ti­ce exci­ting and thus gain pro­fes­sio­nal expe­ri­ence more quick­ly.

  • You want to work with a com­pa­ny right from the start and make valuable cont­acts for the future.

  • You want to earn money while you stu­dy and learn at the same time.

If you ans­we­red YES to the majo­ri­ty of the­se ques­ti­ons, then a dual stu­dy pro­gram at ORISA offers you the best con­di­ti­ons for your per­so­nal and pro­fes­sio­nal suc­cess. Here you will have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to imme­dia­te­ly work on exci­ting tasks and start your care­er in a dyna­mic envi­ron­ment with real pro­jects under the gui­dance of expe­ri­en­ced men­tors. Crea­ting a per­for­mance-enhan­cing working atmo­sphe­re and good sup­port from our trai­ners are extre­me­ly important to us.
In addi­ti­on to the­se and other num­e­rous bene­fits, we also cover your semes­ter fees, sup­port you with regu­lar feed­back mee­tings and pro­vi­de you with all the mate­ri­als you need.

Would you like to find out more about your care­er oppor­tu­ni­ties at ORISA? You can find all the infor­ma­ti­on here. If we have spark­ed your inte­rest, we look for­ward to hea­ring from you at or call us on 03641/284463.

Dual study ORISA Software GmbH