On Sep­tem­ber 27, 2023, ORISA Soft­ware GmbH hos­ted its CPQ Day in Kre­feld at Bau­mer hhs GmbH — a long-term cus­to­mer. Bau­mer has been using the stan­dard soft­ware CREALIS® for over 10 years and was able to pro­vi­de exci­ting insights for inte­res­ted par­ties into the evo­lu­ti­on and various aspects of pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on. In par­ti­cu­lar, the inte­gra­ti­on of the CPQ sys­tem into Sage’s ERP sys­tem and the map­ping of sales pro­ces­ses through to the crea­ti­on of new artic­les were dis­cus­sed in detail. The gene­ral con­side­ra­ti­on of CREALIS® data main­ten­an­ce included the avo­id­ance of rule sets and the cor­rect use of pro­duct data.

The­re was also a vivid excur­si­on into the world of 3D visua­liza­ti­on, inclu­ding the cur­rent topics of aug­men­ted rea­li­ty (AR) and vir­tu­al rea­li­ty (VR). ORI­SA’s experts were able to explain the exten­si­ve func­tions of CREALIS® and shed light on the various tech­ni­cal aspects.

Of cour­se, the high­light of the day was the visit to Baumer’s pro­duc­tion facility—how often do you get to see vari­ant con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on in action on a real pro­duct? The tech­ni­cal­ly com­plex gluing tech­no­lo­gies of Bau­mer hhs are a vivid exam­p­le and with their multi­tu­de of appli­ca­ti­ons across various indus­tries, cle­ar­ly show how neces­sa­ry the use of CPQ soft­ware is in the sales pro­cess.

During the breaks, the­re was ple­nty of room for inte­res­t­ing con­ver­sa­ti­ons, sti­mu­la­ting exch­an­ges of expe­ri­ence bet­ween users and com­pa­nies as well as thought-pro­vo­king dis­cus­sions.

Many thanks to the Bau­mer hhs team for the suc­cessful exch­an­ge of infor­ma­ti­on!

CPQ-Day 2023
CPQ-Day 2023 - 2
CPQ-Day 2023 - 3