Brin­ging your favo­ri­te dis­hes as a light meal for a break at ORISA. The idea of sha­ring was very well recei­ved. With lots of fun and oppor­tu­ni­ties to get to know each other, ten curious par­ti­ci­pan­ts enjoy­ed tasting a varie­ty of dis­hes, inclu­ding oven-baked vege­ta­bles, pota­to cas­se­ro­le, pas­ta, various salads, pump­kin soup, and des­serts, , as well as fresh gar­den vege­ta­bles, deli­cious dips, and dif­fe­rent types of bread. We also exch­an­ged many tips for quick and healt­hy coo­king and spe­cial tas­te expe­ri­en­ces that make autumn so spe­cial.

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