After the MINT Fes­ti­val at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Jena could only be held digi­tal­ly in the mean­ti­me due to the coro­na­vi­rus, it took place live and in color again this year. As a spon­sor, ORISA was given the oppor­tu­ni­ty to set up a stand for the day and also take part in speed dating with stu­dents from the older clas­ses.


How do you explain to ele­men­ta­ry school child­ren onwards what we do at ORISA and get them inte­res­ted in com­pu­ter sci­ence at the same time?
The ans­wer: soft­ware + super­he­roes = soft­ware heroes


We assi­gned this task to our trai­nees and working stu­dents and they have been working hard on it for the last six months. Heroes were con­cei­ved and drawn, gad­gets were desi­gned and the con­fi­gu­ra­tor was fine-tun­ed with incre­di­ble crea­ti­vi­ty and care.

The result is a gre­at con­fi­gu­ra­tor for soft­ware heroes, whe­re you can not only design your own hero or heroi­ne, but also earn power stars through extra tasks and print them out as (coll­ec­ti­ble) cards. The result is impres­si­ve and was also very well recei­ved by the child­ren or young peo­p­le. At times, the­re were so many child­ren stan­ding in front of the stand that you could­n’t even reco­gni­ze it as such. Many thanks to the orga­ni­zers of the MINT Fes­ti­val, it was a gre­at event and we would love to come again.

Spe­cial thanks go to our heroes team for all their work on the con­fi­gu­ra­tor and the abso­lut­e­ly pro­fes­sio­nal stand sup­port. You made many child­ren’s eyes light up on Tues­day!

Kinder vor dem Stand der ORISA Software GmbH beim MINT Festival
Maskottchen der ORISA Software GmbH am Stand beim MINT Festival
Jugendliche beim Berufeinfo-Speed-Dating mit Mitarbeitern der ORISA Software GmbH