Sus­taina­bi­li­ty at the ORISA team day fol­lo­wed by a fami­ly par­ty
The ORISA Soft­ware GmbH teams held a team day in Jena­’s city forest on June 15, 2023 — true to the mot­to: many want to plant trees — but fewer want to care for them. For our teams, it was all about the sus­tainable care of small seed­lings that were plan­ted four years ago. We were able to see very cle­ar­ly that wit­hout care, the litt­le trees have no chan­ce of res­to­ring the forest. After all, sus­taina­bi­li­ty requi­res regu­lar com­mit­ment. So off we went with pru­ning she­ars, seca­teurs and wate­ring cans to a north-facing slo­pe in the west of Jena with a view of the Son­nen­ber­ge moun­ta­ins. Under the expert gui­dance of Jena­’s city forestry depart­ment, our teams were able to res­to­re some sil­ver fir and oak sap­lings to their for­mer glo­ry by pru­ning the plants that did­n’t belong the­re. And the 2,000 liters of water pou­red will hop­eful­ly help the litt­le trees to actual­ly grow into magni­fi­cent trees one day. Some of us will cer­tain­ly now wan­der through the forest more often and more atten­tively. And the spe­ci­fic places whe­re our teams were acti­ve will cer­tain­ly also be obser­ved.

In the after­noon, a big fami­ly par­ty was held on the grounds of the new­ly ope­ned ‘forum natu­ra’ natu­re expe­ri­ence cen­ter on Jena­’s Schott­platz. The ORI­SAn­ers were invi­ted along with their part­ners and child­ren. The grounds were a beau­tiful play­ground with ple­nty of space for the child­ren to run around. The adults enjoy­ed the sweets and cakes they had brought along and the food and drinks from the cate­rer, as well as a gui­ded tour through the Jena Forest — inclu­ding forest bathing with all the sen­ses. With so much to do and so many con­ver­sa­ti­ons, the after­noon pas­sed far too quick­ly and we hope it will be repea­ted. Many thanks to Mrs. Rein­hold and Mrs. Vogel­sang from Jena City Forestry for the oppor­tu­ni­ty and sup­port.
