On June 3, 2023 it was time again: the annu­al job walk took place on the mar­ket squa­re in Jena and ORISA was the­re.
In bright suns­hi­ne, our col­le­agues ans­we­red various ques­ti­ons about jobs, trai­ning pro­grams or dual stu­dy pro­grams at ORISA. Of cour­se, we had thought of ever­y­thing and ser­ved regio­nal ice cream — Bie­be­reis from Wei­mar to match the wea­ther. Thank you again for the seam­less coope­ra­ti­on!

If you were unfort­u­na­te­ly unable to attend that day, you can find our cur­rent vacan­ci­es here.

If you would like to find out exact­ly what ORISA does and what we stand for, you can find all the infor­ma­ti­on on our care­ers page. If you would sim­ply like to send us an unso­li­ci­ted appli­ca­ti­on, plea­se send an email to jobs@orisa.de

Many thanks for the gre­at orga­niza­ti­on to the Job­walk Jena team, we’­re alre­a­dy loo­king for­ward to next year!

Jobwalk Jena 2023