Now that the wea­ther has been temp­ting us out­side for a few weeks and the long holi­day weekends are approa­ching, it’s time to rethink our choice of trans­por­ta­ti­on at ORISA too. Just in time for the start of the AOK’s “Cycle to Work” cam­paign, our BGM team invi­ted employees to a cycling action day on May 9, 2023. We were joi­n­ed by the experts from Bike & Snow, a local bike sup­pli­er, who not only brought along a num­ber of bikes (old-school pedal dri­ve and new-fangled elec­tric, spor­ty and Pedelecs with maxi­mum trans­port capa­ci­ty) for us to test, but also pati­ent­ly ans­we­red our many ques­ti­ons about ever­y­thing that has two wheels. Of cour­se, the bikes were also tes­ted accor­din­gly. To the Land­gra­ve hill or for a spin around town — with an e‑bike like this, it’s pret­ty quick.

After so much infor­ma­ti­on and exer­cise, the­re was a healt­hy bar­be­cue buf­fet from 12:00, which Janett Flech­sig lovin­g­ly pre­pared for us. Her gre­at bar­be­cue ide­as were very well recei­ved and will cer­tain­ly make their way on the grill from time to time in the future.

Fahrradsaktionstag 2023
Fahrradsaktionstag 2023-2