Verschiedene Lösungswege führen zum Ziel

Entscheidungsfindung für eine Konfigurationslösung

The year 2021 is almost over and it is time to take a look back. As in the pre­vious year, the ORISAns work­ed almost exclu­si­ve­ly from home this year. This did not stop us from brin­ging six new col­le­agues on board to streng­then our teams. With the new sup­port, we were able to add new func­tions to our stan­dard pro­duct CREALIS® and inspi­re more cus­to­mers with the qua­li­ty of our pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on ser­vices. Thus, ORISA also con­vin­ces with very good sales figu­res in 2021 and looks opti­mi­sti­cal­ly into the next year.

Despi­te the given cir­cum­s­tances, we also found oppor­tu­ni­ties to come tog­e­ther digi­tal­ly, whe­ther as the vir­tu­al orga­nis­er of the 38th BVMW Tech­no­club or as the host of our annu­al CPQ-Day with the sup­port of Haas Schleif­ma­schi­nen GmbH. Even though the­se for­mats are of cour­se no sub­sti­tu­te for per­so­nal cont­act, we are thril­led about the respon­se we recei­ved from all sides!

In order to find new employees in the future, we wel­co­med inte­res­ted job see­kers at the Job­walk in Jena in autumn and took care of the pro­mo­ti­on of young talents during Thu­rin­gi­a’s Code Week at two pri­ma­ry schools.

Fur­ther­mo­re ORISA is curr­ent­ly intro­du­cing a com­pa­ny health manage­ment sys­tem in coope­ra­ti­on with AOK Plus, and throug­hout the year the­re were various acti­vi­ties such as a health week, manage­ment and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on trai­nings and a regu­lar back trai­ning cour­se.

And now we wish you and your fami­ly a Mer­ry Christ­mas and a few rela­xing days. We hope that you will start the New Year with con­fi­dence, that you will be able to put your plans into prac­ti­ce and, abo­ve all, that you and your fami­ly, fri­ends and col­le­agues will remain in good health.

This year we are sen­ding our fes­ti­ve gree­tings digi­tal­ly and dona­te the cos­ts saved to the Thu­rin­gi­an Can­cer Socie­ty (Thü­rin­ger Krebs­ge­sell­schaft e.V.).

Xmas 2021 plain