Extension and adaptation of a B2B system for the configuration of pumps

Customised pumps, global reach


Wilo AG

Wilo is one of the worl­d’s lea­ding manu­fac­tu­r­ers of pumps and pump sys­tems for water sup­p­ly and air-con­di­tio­ning tech­no­lo­gy. The com­pa­ny was foun­ded in 1872 by Cas­per Lud­wig Oplän­der, has 15 main pro­duc­tion sites world­wi­de and is repre­sen­ted by over 70 pro­duc­tion and sales com­pa­nies in more than 90 count­ries.


WILO AG, one of the worl­d’s lea­ding com­pa­nies in the field of pumps and pump sys­tems, has intro­du­ced a new B2B sys­tem for the sale of sub­mer­si­ble pumps with the assis­tance of ORISA Soft­ware GmbH.

The “WILO EMU Shop” offers WILO sub­si­dia­ries the pos­si­bi­li­ty of con­fi­gu­ring pumps accor­ding to cus­to­mer spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and to crea­te quo­tes in the local lan­guage. Orders are direct­ly trig­ge­red at WILO via this B2B sys­tem and trans­fer­red to pro­duc­tion. This is allo­wing WILO to respond quick­ly to the needs of the glo­bal mar­ket and extend its lead over the com­pe­ti­ti­on.

The basis of the B2B sys­tem is the shop sys­tem SAP Inter­net Sales with the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on appli­ca­ti­on SAP® IPC. The sys­tem was expan­ded by ORISA to include cus­to­mer-ori­en­ted func­tions and the inter­face was made more user-fri­end­ly. In addi­ti­on, ORISA deve­lo­ped and inte­gra­ted a trans­la­ti­on sce­na­rio based on “ORISA liveLOOK”, with which quo­te texts can be main­tai­ned in any lan­guage.