Num­e­rous peo­p­le inte­res­ted in CPQ, pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on and the digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on of sales pro­ces­ses accept­ed ORI­SA’s invi­ta­ti­on to attend the 1st CPQ Day in Erfurt. The get-tog­e­ther the evening befo­re at the Gold­helm cho­co­la­te fac­to­ry pro­vi­ded a spe­cial set­ting for get­ting to know each other and for initi­al dis­cus­sions. After the exclu­si­ve evening menu, the par­ti­ci­pan­ts crea­ted their own cho­co­la­tes under the gui­dance of a cho­co­la­tier.

On CPQ Day, the guests were offe­red exci­ting lec­tures from theo­ry and prac­ti­ce. The inte­res­t­ing refe­rence pre­sen­ta­ti­ons by Otto Christ AG, Rol­lo Solar® MELICHAR GmbH and Haas Schleif­ma­schi­nen GmbH emer­ged as high­lights of the pro­gram­me. It was impres­si­ve­ly shown how the com­pa­nies have imple­men­ted their CPQ solu­ti­ons and which com­pe­ti­ti­ve advan­ta­ges can be achie­ved by using CPQ soft­ware from ORISA.

Insights into CREALIS® CPQ were offe­red to the par­ti­ci­pan­ts in pre­sen­ta­ti­ons by ORI­SA’s CPQ experts. During the breaks the­re was ple­nty of room for inte­res­t­ing dis­cus­sions, exch­an­ges with CPQ users and com­pa­nies at various stages of expan­si­on of their CPQ solu­ti­on. If desi­red, the par­ti­ci­pan­ts could model live tog­e­ther with the ORISA team and expe­ri­ence how easy CREALIS® is to use.