This year, ORISA is once again one of the spon­sors of the “Deutsch­land­sti­pen­di­um”, the Ger­man govern­men­t’s scho­lar­ship pro­gram­me. Get­ting to know poten­ti­al skil­led workers, gai­ning insights into rese­arch and sci­ence, streng­thening the regio­nal net­work, kee­ping future top per­for­mers in the sta­te and the regi­on — the­se are the reasons why ORISA is once again sup­port­ing the Deutsch­land­sti­pen­di­um as a spon­sor.

Ⓒ Chris­toph Worsch

The Deutsch­land­sti­pen­di­um is award­ed to talen­ted and high-achie­ving stu­dents at sta­te uni­ver­si­ties. It ensu­res strong net­wor­king bet­ween the uni­ver­si­ties in the regi­on and socie­ty as well as bet­ween busi­ness and sci­ence for mutu­al bene­fit. In 2019, we will be sup­port­ing Ms Mar­le­ne Grün­del, a first-semes­ter com­pu­ter sci­ence stu­dent, with the Deutsch­land­sti­pen­di­um.

This fun­ding runs for at least one year and at most until the end of the stan­dard peri­od of stu­dy. We wish Ms Grün­del every suc­cess.