This year, ORISA is once again one of the sponsors of the “Deutschlandstipendium”, the German government’s scholarship programme. Getting to know potential skilled workers, gaining insights into research and science, strengthening the regional network, keeping future top performers in the state and the region — these are the reasons why ORISA is once again supporting the Deutschlandstipendium as a sponsor.

Ⓒ Christoph Worsch
The Deutschlandstipendium is awarded to talented and high-achieving students at state universities. It ensures strong networking between the universities in the region and society as well as between business and science for mutual benefit. In 2019, we will be supporting Ms Marlene Gründel, a first-semester computer science student, with the Deutschlandstipendium.
This funding runs for at least one year and at most until the end of the standard period of study. We wish Ms Gründel every success.