ORISA, tog­e­ther with MAN Ener­gy Solu­ti­ons SE, was deligh­ted to wel­co­me num­e­rous par­ti­ci­pan­ts from a wide ran­ge of indus­tries, such as medi­cal tech­no­lo­gy, con­vey­or tech­no­lo­gy and equip­ment manu­fac­tu­ring, to the get-tog­e­ther the evening befo­re. The rela­xed atmo­sphe­re in the steak fac­to­ry invi­ted a lively exch­an­ge.

On CPQ Day, the exch­an­ge of expe­ri­en­ces with other CPQ users, inte­res­ted par­ties and experts could be con­tin­ued and deepe­ned. On CPQ Day, it was pos­si­ble to con­ti­nue and deepen the exch­an­ge of expe­ri­en­ces with other CPQ users, inte­res­ted par­ties and experts. The enti­re IT orga­ni­sa­ti­on and pro­duct struc­tu­re was pre­sen­ted and ques­ti­ons ans­we­red in detail. The par­ti­ci­pan­ts gai­ned a very deep insight into the pro­ces­ses bet­ween CREALIS® CPQ and SAP® and got much food for thought for their own pro­jects.

The fac­to­ry tour offe­red exci­ting insights into engi­ne pro­duc­tion and assem­bly and roun­ded off the day per­fect­ly.

We would like to thank our guests and espe­ci­al­ly MAN Ener­gy Solu­ti­ons SE for the gre­at CPQ event.