Who does­n’t know them: every year on New Year’s Eve, most of us make many good reso­lu­ti­ons for the new year. More exer­cise, healt­hi­er food — less stress, cof­fee and nico­ti­ne.

Par­ti­cu­lar­ly after the last, very spe­cial year, health has moved to the top of this reso­lu­ti­on and wish list. But home office, home schoo­ling and home enter­tain­ment do not make it easy.

Tha­t’s why we at ORISA deci­ded to hold a health week despi­te the lock­down and rest­ric­tions — digi­tal­ly, of cour­se. AOK Plus was a gre­at help and a strong part­ner in its orga­ni­sa­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on.

We kicked off on Mon­day mor­ning with a short moti­va­tio­nal speech by our Mana­ging Direc­tor Mat­thi­as Schwuchow, who then sent us straight back to the couch with a cof­fee and a book to get us rela­xed for the day. By mid­day, the peace and quiet was over. A very com­mit­ted trai­ner encou­ra­ged us to do all kinds of move­ment exer­ci­s­es, which made some of us sweat quite a bit after all that sit­ting down. The very next day, we were infor­med about the phy­sio­lo­gy and effects of stress during two work­shops and given various tools to help us deal with it.

A major issue, espe­ci­al­ly in mobi­le working, is ergo­no­mics. What sounds dry at first was pre­sen­ted to us very cle­ar­ly and dyna­mi­cal­ly by an ergo­no­mics coach on Wed­nes­day. Many small exer­ci­s­es and easy-to-imple­ment tips show­ed us that working ergo­no­mic­al­ly is not just pos­si­ble at your desk.

Of cour­se, rela­xa­ti­on should not be negle­c­ted in all this. And so, at the end of our health week on Thurs­day, we were intro­du­ced to various rela­xa­ti­on tech­ni­ques….

A short sur­vey at the end of the health week show­ed that all par­ti­ci­pan­ts were enthu­si­a­stic and would like to see such for­mats con­tin­ued.