On October 16, 2024, the time had come: ORISA was awarded the “Thuringian Seal for Healthy Work” in gold as part of the double conference at Ernst Abbe Hochschule in Jena. This special award recognizes companies and institutions that have demonstrated exemplary commitment to the health and well-being of their employees.
The award ceremony took place during the “Healthy Work Day”, an event organized by the “Healthy Work in Thuringia” network. Around one hundred guests from business, science and politics came together to discuss current developments in the areas of occupational health management (OHM) and digital transformation.

Health in the workplace — ORISA’s journey to success
Our journey to the Gold Seal began in the fall of 2020 when our Managing Director noticed a significant overload in the team during the pandemic. The pandemic was a challenge for all of us, so it quickly became clear that more needed to be done for the health of our colleagues. We started with a digital health week, which immediately met with a positive response. Employees not only provided valuable feedback but also expressed a desire for further health offerings. This feedback reinforced the idea of developing sustainable and needs-oriented measures to promote employee health. Anika Rehe has since been trained as a BGM manager through a cooperation project with AOK PLUS, and today the health offers within the framework of BGM not only support employees in dealing with stress factors, but also promote the fun of exercise and team spirit. Whether it’s the company run, dragon boat races, the ERGO shelf or our professional massage chair in the relaxation room — the activities on offer are enthusiastically received by the workforce.
“The seal for healthy work is the proof that we have done a lot of things right in the area of health management in recent years,” says our Managing Director Matthias Schwuchow proudly. “To achieve the Gold Seal within 3 years, a high level of commitment in the areas of employee health and health-promoting working conditions and measures must be demonstrated. Many thanks to our BGM team, which has invested a lot of work in implementing these measures. It is now up to all of us to take advantage of the offers and remain active.”
The value of the gold seal for us
Being awarded the “Thuringian Seal for Healthy Work” in gold is both a great success and an incentive. It shows us that we are on the right track and that our measures are already bearing fruit. But it is also motivation not to let up and to continue to actively shape the topic of health in the workplace. “The fact that we have been awarded the Gold Seal shows that we really are at the top here! Take the seal as an incentive to keep at it and actively use the offers,” continues Matthias Schwuchow. And indeed — not everyone has to take part in the sporting activities, often small steps, such as a consciously moving break or the active use of the standing desks, are enough to strengthen one’s own health in the long term.
The award of the Thuringian Seal for Healthy Work shows that our commitment to healthy working conditions is not only recognized, but also forward-looking. We look forward to developing and implementing further innovative and sustainable health offers in the coming years. Only through continuous improvement can we ensure that ORISA employees remain healthy and motivated until retirement.