On Octo­ber 16, 2024, the time had come: ORISA was award­ed the “Thu­rin­gi­an Seal for Healt­hy Work” in gold as part of the dou­ble con­fe­rence at Ernst Abbe Hoch­schu­le in Jena. This spe­cial award reco­gni­zes com­pa­nies and insti­tu­ti­ons that have demons­tra­ted exem­pla­ry com­mit­ment to the health and well-being of their employees.

The award cerem­o­ny took place during the “Healt­hy Work Day”, an event orga­ni­zed by the “Healt­hy Work in Thu­rin­gia” net­work. Around one hundred guests from busi­ness, sci­ence and poli­tics came tog­e­ther to dis­cuss cur­rent deve­lo­p­ments in the are­as of occu­pa­tio­nal health manage­ment (OHM) and digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on.

TSfgA Gruppenbild

Health in the work­place — ORI­SA’s jour­ney to suc­cess

Our jour­ney to the Gold Seal began in the fall of 2020 when our Mana­ging Direc­tor noti­ced a signi­fi­cant over­load in the team during the pan­de­mic. The pan­de­mic was a chall­enge for all of us, so it quick­ly beca­me clear that more nee­ded to be done for the health of our col­le­agues. We star­ted with a digi­tal health week, which imme­dia­te­ly met with a posi­ti­ve respon­se. Employees not only pro­vi­ded valuable feed­back but also expres­sed a desi­re for fur­ther health offe­rings. This feed­back rein­forced the idea of deve­lo­ping sus­tainable and needs-ori­en­ted mea­su­res to pro­mo­te employee health. Anika Rehe has sin­ce been trai­ned as a BGM mana­ger through a coope­ra­ti­on pro­ject with AOK PLUS, and today the health offers within the frame­work of BGM not only sup­port employees in deal­ing with stress fac­tors, but also pro­mo­te the fun of exer­cise and team spi­rit. Whe­ther it’s the com­pa­ny run, dra­gon boat races, the ERGO shelf or our pro­fes­sio­nal mas­sa­ge chair in the rela­xa­ti­on room — the acti­vi­ties on offer are enthu­si­a­sti­cal­ly recei­ved by the work­force.

“The seal for healt­hy work is the pro­of that we have done a lot of things right in the area of health manage­ment in recent years,” says our Mana­ging Direc­tor Mat­thi­as Schwuchow proud­ly. “To achie­ve the Gold Seal within 3 years, a high level of com­mit­ment in the are­as of employee health and health-pro­mo­ting working con­di­ti­ons and mea­su­res must be demons­tra­ted. Many thanks to our BGM team, which has inves­ted a lot of work in imple­men­ting the­se mea­su­res. It is now up to all of us to take advan­ta­ge of the offers and remain acti­ve.”

The value of the gold seal for us

Being award­ed the “Thu­rin­gi­an Seal for Healt­hy Work” in gold is both a gre­at suc­cess and an incen­ti­ve. It shows us that we are on the right track and that our mea­su­res are alre­a­dy bea­ring fruit. But it is also moti­va­ti­on not to let up and to con­ti­nue to actively shape the topic of health in the work­place. “The fact that we have been award­ed the Gold Seal shows that we real­ly are at the top here! Take the seal as an incen­ti­ve to keep at it and actively use the offers,” con­ti­nues Mat­thi­as Schwuchow. And inde­ed — not ever­yo­ne has to take part in the sport­ing acti­vi­ties, often small steps, such as a con­scious­ly moving break or the acti­ve use of the stan­ding desks, are enough to streng­then one’s own health in the long term.

The award of the Thu­rin­gi­an Seal for Healt­hy Work shows that our com­mit­ment to healt­hy working con­di­ti­ons is not only reco­gni­zed, but also for­ward-loo­king. We look for­ward to deve­lo­ping and imple­men­ting fur­ther inno­va­ti­ve and sus­tainable health offers in the coming years. Only through con­ti­nuous impro­ve­ment can we ensu­re that ORISA employees remain healt­hy and moti­va­ted until reti­re­ment.

Gold Siegel für gesunde Arbeit