We wel­co­med Mal­te to our ORISA team in April 2024. For three months, he actively sup­port­ed the are­as of HR deve­lo­p­ment and occu­pa­tio­nal health manage­ment. We are deligh­ted to be able to share his expe­ri­ence report on the insights he gai­ned into the world of work. Read here what he has to say about his time with us:

As part of my psy­cho­lo­gy degree, I com­ple­ted an intern­ship at ORISA Soft­ware GmbH for around three months. Not only did I gain a wide ran­ge of expe­ri­ence in the field of occu­pa­tio­nal health manage­ment and health and safe­ty. I also got to know the various facets and gene­ra­list acti­vi­ties that are requi­red of occu­pa­tio­nal psy­cho­lo­gists in a medi­um-sized com­pa­ny. I work­ed along­side Ms. Rehe as she work­ed on day-to-day tasks and orga­ni­zed appli­ca­ti­on pro­ces­ses. From taking part in health and safe­ty mee­tings and plan­ning occu­pa­tio­nal health and safe­ty mea­su­res, I was able to gain many impres­si­ons.

I had a lot of free­dom during my intern­ship. This rela­ted not only to the place of work and working hours, but also to the work tasks. I real­ly app­re­cia­ted the fact that I was able to take on tasks that I was inte­res­ted in and whe­re I saw a need. For exam­p­le, I was able to fur­ther deve­lop the skills I had acqui­red in a trai­ning cour­se to beco­me a trai­ner direct­ly in two work­shops at the com­pa­ny. I was given a lot of crea­ti­ve free­dom wit­hout being left to my own devices.

All in all, the three months at ORISA hel­ped me pro­gress, and I was able to gain valuable expe­ri­ence. In addi­ti­on, by par­ti­ci­pa­ting in com­pa­ny events, I imme­dia­te­ly had the fee­ling of being part of the com­pa­ny. Ever­yo­ne was open and fri­end­ly, and I will always remem­ber the plea­sant working atmo­sphe­re, the col­le­gi­al coope­ra­ti­on and the posi­ti­ve cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re.

We would like to thank you, Mal­te, and wish you all the best for the future!

If you would like to expe­ri­ence our cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re for yours­elf, take a look at our care­ers page or send us an unso­li­ci­ted appli­ca­ti­on!