Planning and optimally selling analysis and testing equipment in a customer-oriented manner


NETZSCH-Gerätebau GmbH

The NETZSCH Group is an owner-mana­ged, inter­na­tio­nal­ly acti­ve tech­no­lo­gy com­pa­ny head­quar­te­red in Ger­ma­ny. The Ana­ly­sing & Revie­w­ing, Grin­ding & Disper­sing and Pumps & Sys­tems busi­ness units stand for indi­vi­du­al solu­ti­ons at the hig­hest level. More than 2,500 employees in 130 sales and pro­duc­tion cen­tres in 23 count­ries world­wi­de ensu­re cus­to­mer pro­xi­mi­ty and expert ser­vice. NETZSCH-Gerä­te­bau GmbH deve­lo­ps and dis­tri­bu­tes high-per­for­mance ther­mo-ana­ly­ti­cal and ther­mo-phy­si­cal instru­ments for the ana­ly­sis of ther­mal pro­per­ties of various mate­ri­als.


NETZSCH-Gerä­te­bau GmbH deve­lo­ps and dis­tri­bu­tes high-per­for­mance ther­mal ana­ly­sis instru­ments world­wi­de. The high com­ple­xi­ty and varie­ty of the devices requi­red the intro­duc­tion of a con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on solu­ti­on that can be used inter­na­tio­nal­ly and can be opti­mal­ly inte­gra­ted into the exis­ting sys­tem land­scape of NETZSCH-Gerä­te­bau GmbH.

With the intro­duc­tion of CREALIS®, a con­ti­nuous auto­ma­ted sales pro­cess was crea­ted. The pro­duct data is impor­ted from the SAP ERP sys­tem into the CREALIS® main­ten­an­ce envi­ron­ment, whe­re it is cen­tral­ly main­tai­ned and mana­ged. The sales staff use the pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­tor within the frame­work of the offer crea­ti­on and can bet­ter respond to the indi­vi­du­al wis­hes of the cus­to­mers. In addi­ti­on to stan­dard vari­ants, spe­cial solu­ti­ons are also recor­ded with the pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­tor. A quo­te for the con­fi­gu­red unit and a spe­ci­fic pri­ce list can be gene­ra­ted for the cus­to­mer on site and stored in the CRM sys­tem at the same time. In case of an order, the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on result is trans­fer­red to the lin­ked SAP ERP sys­tem. The inter­na­tio­nal natu­re of its use requi­red the deve­lo­p­ment of a spe­cial pri­ce cal­cu­la­ti­on modu­le that includes con­ver­si­ons of dif­fe­rent cur­ren­ci­es as well as the con­side­ra­ti­on of cur­ren­cy fluc­tua­tions. The inte­gra­ti­on of a trans­la­ti­on tool enables pro­duct texts to be ente­red by the sales staff in the respec­ti­ve natio­nal lan­guage and faci­li­ta­tes the inter­na­tio­nal use of the pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­tor.

The CREALIS® pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­tor was laun­ched in Sep­tem­ber 2010 and is used inter­na­tio­nal­ly for sales. Abo­ve all, it pro­vi­des sup­port to the sales staff in order pro­ces­sing and quo­te gene­ra­ti­on. The inte­gra­ti­on of the pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­tor into the CRM and ERP envi­ron­ment led to an opti­mi­sa­ti­on of the com­pa­ny pro­ces­ses. The mana­ging direc­tor of NETZSCH-Gerä­te­bau GmbH is cer­tain that CREALIS® offers the best ran­ge of func­tions for them.


  • In use inter­na­tio­nal­ly for sales

  • Per­ma­nent avai­la­bi­li­ty of con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on data with the aid of the Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on Store

  • Trans­la­ti­on func­tion for easy main­ten­an­ce of the pro­duct texts in the respec­ti­ve natio­nal lan­guage

  • Spe­cial pri­ce cal­cu­la­ti­on modu­le with cur­ren­cy fac­tor and pri­ce fac­tor

  • Full pro­cess inte­gra­ti­on and use of stan­dar­di­sed inter­faces for com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on with SAP ERP