Every year in June, Pri­de Month is cele­bra­ted, a time when the LGBTQIA+ com­mu­ni­ty hono­urs its iden­ti­ty, histo­ry and achie­ve­ments. Pri­de Month com­me­mo­ra­tes the 1969 Stone­wall riots in New York, whe­re mem­bers of the LGBTQIA+ com­mu­ni­ty stood up against poli­ce vio­lence and dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on. The­se events mark­ed the begin­ning of the modern move­ment for que­er rights and laid the foun­da­ti­on for today’s cele­bra­ti­ons.

For us, Pri­de Month is an impe­tus to get invol­ved and rai­se awa­re­ness of the importance of equa­li­ty and accep­tance, as well as to show sup­port and soli­da­ri­ty. At ORISA, we live an inclu­si­ve cor­po­ra­te cul­tu­re that values diver­si­ty. When all employees feel seen, accept­ed and sup­port­ed, a posi­ti­ve and open-min­ded working atmo­sphe­re is crea­ted. Diver­se teams bring dif­fe­rent per­spec­ti­ves and ide­as to the table, which pro­mo­tes inno­va­ti­on and bet­ter pro­blem-sol­ving.

By making our logo colourful, we want to demons­tra­te our sup­port for the LGBTQIA+ com­mu­ni­ty. We want to show that we respect the rights and digni­ty of all peo­p­le, regard­less of their sexu­al ori­en­ta­ti­on or gen­der iden­ti­ty. It is important for us to crea­te an envi­ron­ment in which ever­yo­ne feels valued and respec­ted.

At the last fami­ly sum­mer par­ty, many hard-working hands crea­ted a lar­ge, colourful map of Thu­rin­gia as part of the “Welt­of­fe­nes Thü­rin­gen / Welt­of­fe­nes ORISA” initia­ti­ve. Pain­ting tog­e­ther was not only a lot of fun, we also wan­ted to send out a signal in favour of diver­si­ty, tole­rance and open­ness. Our joint­ly desi­gned map sym­bo­li­ses how colourful and diver­se our sta­te is — and hop­eful­ly will remain.

With our colourful logo, we want to draw atten­ti­on to the issues and chal­lenges that the LGBTQIA+ com­mu­ni­ty faces on a dai­ly basis. Our aim is to com­bat dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on and pre­ju­di­ce and pro­mo­te a more inclu­si­ve socie­ty. Ever­yo­ne should have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to live and work in an envi­ron­ment that is free from fear and pre­ju­di­ce. Our decis­i­on to chan­ge the logo may be a small ges­tu­re to some, but it is part of a lar­ger move­ment. Every sign of sup­port, every colourful logo, every post on social media helps to spread the mes­sa­ge of accep­tance and equa­li­ty. It is the­se coll­ec­ti­ve efforts that lead to real social chan­ge in the long run.

At ORISA, we want to actively con­tri­bu­te to a socie­ty whe­re ever­yo­ne can live wit­hout fear of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on. Let’s make the world a bet­ter place tog­e­ther — bit by bit.

Hap­py Pri­de Month! 🌈

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