The year is dra­wing to a clo­se, and as we slow­ly switch into Christ­mas mode (coo­kies? Alre­a­dy eaten. Punch? Alre­a­dy war­med up), we at ORISA look back on a diver­se and exci­ting 2024. It was a year that not only brought us tog­e­ther as a team, but also gave us many spe­cial moments. From major anni­ver­s­a­ries to top sport­ing achie­ve­ments — we take you on a short jour­ney through our ORISA year!

30 Years of ORISA — A Reason to Cele­bra­te! 🎉

Ima­gi­ne it’s 1994: Inter­net? Still unchar­ted ter­ri­to­ry. Smart­phones? Sci­ence fic­tion. CPQ soft­ware? A bold dream. But that’s exact­ly the year ORISA was foun­ded — and 30 years later, we’re still here, big­ger and more inno­va­ti­ve than ever! Our anni­ver­sa­ry on Sep­tem­ber 26 was the high­light of the year for us: a cele­bra­ti­on that brought tog­e­ther our employees, cus­to­mers, and part­ners. Tog­e­ther, we toas­ted our jour­ney and remin­ded our­sel­ves of how far we have come.

30 years of ORISA — that also means 30 years of com­mit­ment, pas­si­on, and con­ti­nuous growth. And we’re con­fi­dent this is just the begin­ning! Inno­va­ti­on and trust — both will con­ti­nue to dri­ve us in 2025. 30 years of ORISA — that also means 30 years of com­mit­ment, pas­si­on and con­ti­nuous growth. And we’­re sure that this is just the begin­ning!Inno­va­ti­on and trust — both will con­ti­nue to dri­ve us in 2025.

Next-Level Inno­va­ti­on: CPQ, SAP and a Touch of a Magic

2024 was also a year full of tech­ni­cal mile­sto­nes for us! The KMAT cou­pling of our CREALIS® CPQ solu­ti­on with SAP S/4HANA via VCP is par­ti­cu­lar­ly note­wor­t­hy. This enables com­pa­nies to speed up sales pro­ces­ses and make their pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­ti­ons even more effi­ci­ent — a real game chan­ger for our cus­to­mers.

Our CREALIS® test tool also gene­ra­ted a lot of enthu­si­asm: With its abili­ty to auto­ma­te tests for com­plex rule sets, we ensu­re sta­bi­li­ty and qua­li­ty even befo­re pro­blems ari­se. This is an important step in hel­ping our cus­to­mers boost effi­ci­en­cy.

We also shared our know­ledge in web­i­nars and at the CPQ Day in Jena, whe­re exci­ting dis­cus­sions on CPQ trends and SAP inte­gra­ti­ons were on the agen­da. Next year, we would also like to give you an exclu­si­ve insight into the world of pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on and look for­ward to wel­co­ming you to our cus­to­mer iTD (medi­cal tech­no­lo­gy indus­try) at CPQ Day 2025 in Pfarr­kir­chen.

Strong tog­e­ther: health, team spi­rit and respon­si­bi­li­ty

But suc­cess needs more than tech­no­lo­gy — it requi­res healt­hy and enga­ged peo­p­le. The fact that ORISA focu­ses on peo­p­le was demons­tra­ted in many ways in 2024: for exam­p­le, our Health Month in March pro­vi­ded valuable impe­tus for phy­si­cal and men­tal well-being in the work­place and this com­mit­ment was crow­ned with the “Thu­rin­gi­an Seal for Healt­hy Work” in gold.
Spea­king of fit­ness: we once again gave our all at the 13th Jena com­pa­ny run — not only on the cour­se, but also for a good cau­se. And becau­se we also love slight­ly more unu­su­al chal­lenges, we took part in this year’s dra­gon boat sprint. Spoi­ler: We may not have had fast fins, but we had a lot of fun!

But we were not only acti­ve in sports: as the foun­der of the Jena Pri­ze for Civil Cou­ra­ge, we set an important exam­p­le for social com­mit­ment this year. Becau­se in the­se chal­len­ging times, it is all the more important to pro­mo­te civil cou­ra­ge and soli­da­ri­ty.
The year was roun­ded off with the Long Night of Sci­ence, whe­re we brought sci­ence and tech­no­lo­gy to life for ever­yo­ne. Bet­ween micro­sco­pes, tech­ni­cal expe­ri­ments and visi­ons of the future, we show­ed that even com­plex topics such as pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on can be acces­si­ble and exci­ting — and dis­co­ver­ed our “super­powers” in the pro­cess.


At the end of the year, we took part in a pro­ject clo­se to our hearts and put up a “wish tree” deco­ra­ted with child­ren’s wis­hes that col­le­agues could “pick” to make Christ­mas a litt­le brigh­ter for child­ren in the regi­on. A big thank you to all ORISA employees who took part! Tog­e­ther with the Jena Com­mu­ni­ty Foun­da­ti­on, we were able to help make the­se wis­hes come true. ORISA not only paid the fixed con­tri­bu­ti­on per gift, but also sup­port­ed the cam­paign with an addi­tio­nal dona­ti­on — so that as many child­ren’s eyes as pos­si­ble can light up.

With the­se warm thoughts, we bid fare­well to the Christ­mas sea­son. We would like to thank you — our cus­to­mers, part­ners and employees — for your sup­port and a gre­at year. We wish you a Mer­ry Christ­mas, rela­xing holi­days, and a suc­cessful start to the New Year!

The ORISA team 🎄

The decorated ORISA Wish Tree