What requirements do customers have regarding a CPQ solution, what trends are there in the industry and what do customers think about artificial intelligence and machine learning?
Answers to these and other questions were provided by our experts Matthias Schwuchow (CEO) and Kay Giertzuch (Head of Sales) in the ORISA interview of the CPQ Podcast of Novus CPQ Consulting Inc.
Novus CPQ Consulting Inc is an independent consulting firm in the USA (Fort Collins north of Denver, Colorado). The owner Frank Sohn has been running a podcast since 2017, which is all about the topic of Configure Price Quote. He regularly discusses with international experts from the industry, gives advice for projects and looks at technological innovations in the market. In April, Matthias and Kay were Frank Sohn’s guests to talk about private and, of course, product configuration topics by using CREALIS®, among others.
Click here for the latest episode of the podcast: https://novuscpq.com/cpq-podcast-2022/