What requi­re­ments do cus­to­mers have regar­ding a CPQ solu­ti­on, what trends are the­re in the indus­try and what do cus­to­mers think about arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence and machi­ne lear­ning?

Ans­wers to the­se and other ques­ti­ons were pro­vi­ded by our experts Mat­thi­as Schwuchow (CEO) and Kay Giert­zuch (Head of Sales) in the ORISA inter­view of the CPQ Pod­cast of Novus CPQ Con­sul­ting Inc.

Novus CPQ Con­sul­ting Inc is an inde­pen­dent con­sul­ting firm in the USA (Fort Coll­ins north of Den­ver, Colo­ra­do). The owner Frank Sohn has been run­ning a pod­cast sin­ce 2017, which is all about the topic of Con­fi­gu­re Pri­ce Quo­te. He regu­lar­ly dis­cus­ses with inter­na­tio­nal experts from the indus­try, gives advice for pro­jects and looks at tech­no­lo­gi­cal inno­va­tions in the mar­ket. In April, Mat­thi­as and Kay were Frank Sohn’s guests to talk about pri­va­te and, of cour­se, pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on topics by using CREALIS®, among others.

Click here for the latest epi­so­de of the pod­cast: https://novuscpq.com/cpq-podcast-2022/