On Sep­tem­ber 14, 2024, our “ORISA pulls it off” team took part in the annu­al ACP Dra­gon Boat Sprint (form­er­ly the GODYO Cup) on Lake Schlei­cher. A total of 25 com­pa­ny teams par­ti­ci­pa­ted in this event. Sin­ce 2007, the annu­al dra­gon boat race has been orga­ni­zed by the Jena Rowing and Cano­e­ing Club and the cano­e­ing depart­ment of the Uni­ver­si­ty Sports Club.

Our team “ORISA pulls through” tire­less­ly gave its all over 3 rounds. 20 padd­lers, one com­mon pace, one goal: 100 meters of full power. The kids set the tone for the ORISA team. The son of a col­le­ague led us through the race with his rhythm as a drum­mer.

Even the cold wind and low tem­pe­ra­tures did not dis­cou­ra­ge our team. With the start­ing signal “Are you rea­dy? Atten­ti­on! Go!” and every powerful padd­le stro­ke, we pro­ved that our com­mit­ment and deter­mi­na­ti­on were stron­ger than the exter­nal cir­cum­s­tances. We are par­ti­cu­lar­ly plea­sed with the balan­ced pro­por­ti­on of men and women in our boat.

Even though we weren’t able to reach the top places, the team spi­rit and coope­ra­ti­on were para­mount. Each indi­vi­du­al con­tri­bu­ted to the fact that we were able to expe­ri­ence a gre­at race tog­e­ther.

The Jena-based com­pa­ny ACP, the cano­e­ing depart­ment of the USV Jena, the Jena Cano­e­ing and Rowing Club and the Jena Swim­ming and Lei­su­re Asso­cia­ti­on once again sup­port­ed the Jena Par­ents’ Initia­ti­ve for Child­ren with Can­cer this year. Part of the ent­ry fees will be dona­ted to the cont­act point for fami­lies who­se child­ren have can­cer and are being or have been trea­ted at Jena Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal. During the race, the­re was a raff­le next to the craft cor­ner, whe­re anyo­ne could try their luck for a small dona­ti­on.

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to the win­ning teams, and many thanks to the orga­ni­zers and all par­ti­ci­pan­ts. We are alre­a­dy loo­king for­ward to next year!

Dragon Boat Race Jena, ORISA-Team
Drachenboot-Sprint 2024 Orisa-Team
Drachenboot-Sprint 2024, ORISA-Team