Logistics and Agriculture

Configuration solutions and application examples for the transport and agricultural sector

Logistics and Agriculture

Configuration solutions and application examples for the transport and agricultural sector

Placing complex offers confidently in international sales

Pro­du­cers and sup­pli­ers of vehic­les and equip­ment in the logi­stics indus­try are faced with exten­si­ve mar­ket requi­re­ments. In the trans­port sec­tor, the­se ran­ge from the ren­tal of sin­gle vehic­les (short-term ren­tal, long-term ren­tal) to com­ple­te ten­ders for enti­re fleets, taking into account coun­try-spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments and cus­to­mer-spe­ci­fic needs. The same appli­es to sup­pli­ers of agri­cul­tu­ral equip­ment. The amount of vari­ants that are made available to the cus­to­mers, given the wide varie­ty of use sce­na­ri­os, must be offe­red cor­rect­ly in sales.

In Short Term Ren­tal (STR), exis­ting vehic­les and machi­nes are ren­ted out on demand for a few days or weeks. The fast-moving natu­re of this busi­ness requi­res a well-main­tai­ned fleet with cle­ar­ly defi­ned input and out­put pro­ces­ses. Infor­ma­ti­on on loca­ti­on, avai­la­bi­li­ty and con­di­ti­on, in addi­ti­on to typi­cal fea­tures such as the lif­ting height of for­k­lifts or the con­tai­ner volu­me of mixing plants in agri­cul­tu­re, descri­be the desi­red machi­ne for a cus­to­mer. If the data is mer­ged and made available in a CPQ appli­ca­ti­on, the sales depart­ment can quick­ly and easi­ly gene­ra­te quo­ta­ti­ons with the cor­rect fee infor­ma­ti­on.

The requi­re­ments for offers in the area of Long Term Ren­tal (LTR) are dif­fe­rent and no less com­plex. Here, pro­vi­ders and users enter into long-term con­tracts, which are often accom­pa­nied by regu­lar rene­wal of the ren­ted fleet equip­ment. Often such offers are based on exten­si­ve ten­ders, which have to be ans­we­red with struc­tu­ral­ly sui­ta­ble pro­po­sal docu­ments. CPQ solu­ti­ons such as CREALIS® offer exten­si­ve func­tion­a­li­ties with their com­ple­te offer gene­ra­ti­on sys­tem to cover the requi­re­ments in inter­na­tio­nal sales.

Toyota Material Handling Deutschland

Toyota Material Handling Deutschland GmbH

Toyo­ta Mate­ri­al Hand­ling Deutsch­land (TMHDE), head­quar­te­red in Isern­ha­gen near Hano­ver, is the local repre­sen­ta­ti­ve of the worl­d’s lar­gest indus­tri­al for­k­lift manu­fac­tu­rer, Toyo­ta Indus­tries Cor­po­ra­ti­on. Sin­ce April 2013, the sales depart­ment has been working enti­re­ly with the CREALIS® pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­tor. Cus­to­mers recei­ve a flaw­less offer in the shor­test pos­si­ble time. The queries regar­ding the sub­se­quent order pro­ces­sing drop­ped rapidly. In addi­ti­on, a time saving of around 94 % is achie­ved when pre­pa­ring a quo­ta­ti­on for seve­ral units inclu­ding their finan­cing.

Service contracts, fleet calculation and other long-term agreements

Once a sup­pli­er has con­cluded an LTR con­tract with a cus­to­mer, he does not sim­ply sup­p­ly him with the equip­ment and vehic­les, but also pro­vi­des the neces­sa­ry or desi­red ser­vice at the same time. In the case of for­k­lift trucks, this can be the moni­to­ring of the equip­men­t’s con­di­ti­on, the con­trac­tu­al agree­ment of tyre rene­wals, etc. In order to ensu­re that such topics can be defi­ned in the con­tract cor­rect­ly and com­pre­hen­si­bly for both par­ties, the respon­si­ble sales employee car­ri­es out a so-cal­led site sur­vey in order to record the con­di­ti­ons on site in the offer and to be able to esti­ma­te fore­seeable wear and tear. In the right CPQ solu­ti­on, this infor­ma­ti­on can be pro­ces­sed direct­ly as the basis for the quo­ta­ti­on cal­cu­la­ti­on, inclu­ding the ser­vice con­tract, wit­hout the tedious manu­al trans­fer of data bet­ween sys­tems.

With the right CPQ solu­ti­on and its cor­rect use, com­ple­te fleet cal­cu­la­ti­ons can be con­ve­ni­ent­ly hand­led by the sales staff. Issues such as offer adjus­t­ments or con­tract rene­wals on the basis of old cal­cu­la­ti­ons are easy to hand­le. In such cases, pri­ce adjus­t­ments are car­ri­ed out cor­rect­ly on the respec­ti­ve cur­rent data basis and chan­ges in the offer port­fo­lio are imme­dia­te­ly visi­ble and can be dis­cus­sed with the cus­to­mer. Of cour­se, this works in an inter­na­tio­nal envi­ron­ment, espe­ci­al­ly if the CPQ sys­tem mas­ters topics such as mar­ket vali­di­ty and time vali­di­ty.

Calculations with discount approvals — Change management

In today’s cut-throat mar­ket in the indus­try, it is not only neces­sa­ry to bring inno­va­ti­ve solu­ti­ons to the mar­ket quick­ly. Pro­du­cers are forced to score points over the com­pe­ti­ti­on by offe­ring pri­ce reduc­tions and dis­count cam­paigns. To ensu­re that no sales los­ses are gene­ra­ted by this, release levels throug­hout the sales pro­cess are man­da­to­ry. In fleet cal­cu­la­ti­ons, for exam­p­le, a sales­per­son can access a team that deter­mi­nes pos­si­ble or neces­sa­ry dis­counts at various points in the offer docu­ments. A hier­ar­chi­cal repre­sen­ta­ti­on of decis­i­on-making levels is neces­sa­ry. A sales employee must sub­mit a dis­count request to his supe­ri­or team lea­der. The team lea­der can deci­de whe­ther he has the appr­oval for the neces­sa­ry dis­count or whe­ther he has to approach his super­vi­sor. The map­ping of such release hier­ar­chies for dis­counts on sales pri­ces, ser­vice pri­ces or even ren­tal pri­ces is an important part of a CPQ solu­ti­on. This must be backed up by an accu­ra­te aut­ho­ri­sa­ti­on sys­tem so that no misun­derstan­dings or wrong decis­i­ons occur.

If the sup­pli­er uses pro­mo­ti­ons in their sales (such as exten­ded dis­count equip­ment), sales staff should be quick­ly infor­med about such pro­mo­ti­ons. A CPQ sys­tem can be equip­ped with an infor­ma­ti­on chan­nel so that the sales staff is always up to date on what topics might be important in the sales pitch. It goes wit­hout say­ing that the right dis­count levels are set for such pro­mo­ti­ons. If a sales repre­sen­ta­ti­ve has a hesi­tant cus­to­mer, it is pos­si­ble to win him over spon­ta­neous­ly for a con­tract with a pro­mo­ti­on that has just been acti­va­ted. And if the CPQ sys­tem then imme­dia­te­ly com­mu­ni­ca­tes the­se chan­ges in the quo­ta­ti­on to the cus­to­mer, the­re will be no more obs­ta­cles to sig­ning the con­tract.

MAN Truck & Bus Logo

MAN Truck & Bus SE

MAN Truck & Bus is one of the lea­ding manu­fac­tu­r­ers of com­mer­cial vehic­les in Euro­pe and has pro­duc­tion faci­li­ties in three Euro­pean count­ries as well as in Rus­sia, South Afri­ca, India and Tur­key. The Nurem­berg plant has been ope­ra­ting as an inter­na­tio­nal MAN engi­ne com­pe­tence cent­re sin­ce 1955. Die­sel and gas engi­nes for the MAN Truck & Bus Group are deve­lo­ped and pro­du­ced here. Sin­ce Janu­ary 2016, the enti­re order inta­ke from the sales net­work has been suc­cessful­ly pro­ces­sed with CREALIS® CPQ. The most important ele­ment of the con­fi­gu­ra­tor is the 100 per­cent accu­ra­te order ent­ry and the quick reco­gni­ti­on of spe­cial requests accor­ding to the order at the right cal­cu­la­ti­on.

Observe Incoterms and embargo lists

In the inter­na­tio­nal envi­ron­ment, it is abso­lut­e­ly neces­sa­ry to take into account the various inter­na­tio­nal­ly appli­ca­ble legal regu­la­ti­ons. Sup­p­ly­ing equip­ment to a coun­try that is on an embar­go list can be expen­si­ve for the sup­pli­er and lead to a loss of image in the indus­try. A CPQ sys­tem lin­ked to embar­go lists can draw atten­ti­on to the issues to be con­side­red at an ear­ly stage and, if neces­sa­ry, even pre­vent the pre­pa­ra­ti­on of an offer.

The cor­rect use of Inco­terms befo­re and at the sig­ning of the con­tract is also an important area to be taken into account in the CPQ sys­tem during a quo­ta­ti­on pre­pa­ra­ti­on in an inter­na­tio­nal envi­ron­ment. Through appro­pria­te defi­ni­ti­ons, depen­ding on cus­to­mer data and other para­me­ters, the appli­ca­ble Inco­terms and their mea­ning can be pro­vi­ded to the sales­per­son during con­tract nego­tia­ti­ons, ensu­ring that the­se issues are cor­rect­ly defi­ned and dis­cus­sed.

Purchase and resale of second-hand machinery

Nowa­days, machi­nes and vehic­les in the logi­stics sec­tor have a long ser­vice life and are of high qua­li­ty. Nevert­hel­ess, their use is some­ti­mes limi­t­ed in time becau­se needs and requi­re­ments chan­ge. The used vehic­les and equip­ment that beco­me available in this way are once again available on the mar­ket. Sin­ce the­se devices are often in the best con­di­ti­on due to the ser­vice con­tracts con­cluded with the manu­fac­tu­rer, it can be a pro­fi­ta­ble pro­ce­du­re to buy up the devices, check them through and then sell or rent them out again. The­re are enough inte­res­ted par­ties who­se bud­get does not allow purcha­sing a new vehic­le. In a CPQ solu­ti­on, resi­du­al value cal­cu­la­ti­ons can be inte­gra­ted so that the purcha­se and resa­le of used vehic­les and equip­ment can be cover­ed direct­ly by the sales depart­ment. The quo­ta­ti­on pro­cess is sup­port­ed in the same way as for new vehic­les. Addi­tio­nal func­tions such as loca­ti­on and desti­na­ti­on-depen­dent deli­very con­di­ti­ons can be inte­gra­ted to gua­ran­tee a fast resa­le.

ORISA Soft­ware GmbH offers con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on solu­ti­ons that enable users to crea­te their indi­vi­du­al­ly requi­red pro­duct vari­ants. ORISA sees its­elf as a sys­tem pro­vi­der for com­plex and mul­ti-vari­ant pro­ducts and com­pon­ents from the logi­stics and agri­cul­tu­ral sec­tor and has alre­a­dy crea­ted con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on solu­ti­ons for various manu­fac­tu­r­ers in this sec­tor.

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