Tra­di­tio­nal­ly, the lead-up to Christ­mas Eve is fil­led with ple­nty of tre­ats, social gathe­rings, and the hunt for gifts. It can be as joyful as it is exhaus­ting. At ORISA, we’­ve come up with some­thing spe­cial for the pre-Christ­mas sea­son to pro­mo­te the well-being of our employees. Every day, we open a door of our ORISA advent calen­dar tog­e­ther, reve­al­ing health-pro­mo­ting acti­vi­ties and ide­as. This is not only a crea­ti­ve and effec­ti­ve way to sup­port each indi­vi­dual’s health but also a col­la­bo­ra­ti­ve pro­ject that encou­ra­ges sha­ring expe­ri­en­ces and streng­thening team spi­rit..

Our calen­dar includes inspi­ring tasks such as acti­ve breaks to help us stay ener­gi­zed during our desk-bound work­days, as well as simp­le exer­ci­s­es that we can do right in the office to pre­vent ten­si­on and reli­e­ve back pain. It’s not only about phy­si­cal health; men­tal and emo­tio­nal balan­ce is equal­ly important to us. Tha­t’s why our calen­dar also includes short mindful­ness exer­ci­s­es and medi­ta­ti­ons that help redu­ce stress and fos­ter inner calm. With phy­si­cal exer­ci­s­es, tips for a healt­hi­er pos­tu­re, and inspi­ra­ti­on for moments of rela­xa­ti­on, we aim to moti­va­te our employees to make con­scious decis­i­ons and rech­ar­ge for the work­day.

At the end of each task the­re’s an exci­ting puz­zle to sol­ve — whe­ther it’s a Nerd Quiz (Do you know which DC Comics super­he­roi­ne hails from the island of The­my­sci­ra?), self — desi­gned cross­word puz­zles, “Dru­dels” (pic­tu­re puz­zles), Sudo­ku, coding chal­lenges, and more. The solu­ti­on to each puz­zle is reve­a­led the fol­lo­wing day in our Christ­mas libra­ry, offe­ring the occa­sio­nal “Aha!” moment. Care to puz­zle a litt­le yours­elf? Below, we’ve included an ORISA word puz­zle with hid­den terms.

Many thanks to the Work­place Health Manage­ment team as well as Jonas Hell­wing, Micha­el Kna­be and Flo­ri­an Voll­mann for crea­tively and tech­ni­cal­ly brin­ging the­se ide­as to life.

We wish you and your loved ones a Mer­ry Christ­mas, restful holi­days, and moments of reflec­tion on what tru­ly mat­ters. May you enter the new year with opti­mism, rene­wed ener­gy, and enthu­si­asm for all your endea­vors.