How can we crea­te an open and tole­rant working envi­ron­ment in which ever­yo­ne invol­ved can feel com­for­ta­ble? How can we streng­then Thu­rin­gia as a busi­ness loca­ti­on and coun­ter­act the shorta­ge of skil­led workers? Many Thu­rin­gi­an com­pa­nies are curr­ent­ly facing the­se and other chal­lenges.

Last week, ORISA the­r­e­fo­re hos­ted an inspi­ring work­shop on the topic of “Diver­si­ty ins­tead of Sim­pli­ci­ty”, orga­ni­zed by Bil­dungs­werk der Thü­rin­ger Wirt­schaft e.V.. Col­le­agues from a wide ran­ge of depart­ments work­ed tog­e­ther inten­si­ve­ly on the importance of diver­si­ty in the work­place, inter­cul­tu­ral com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on, and rai­sing awa­re­ness of dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on. Inter­ac­ti­ve acti­vi­ties such as lively sta­tis­tics, the Pri­vi­le­ge Walk, exci­ting quiz­zes, and inspi­ring pre­sen­ta­ti­ons not only expan­ded our fac­tu­al know­ledge, but also trig­ge­red lively dis­cus­sions and self-reflec­tion.

A big thank you goes to Sara Holz­ner and Fran­ces­co Bin­di from the pro­ject “listen.understand.act” for the gre­at imple­men­ta­ti­on of this work­shop in two ver­si­ons — on-site and online.
We look for­ward to inte­gra­ting the insights gai­ned into our ever­y­day (working) lives.

Workshop Impression
Workshop Impression
Workshop Impression