The Digi­tal Sum­mit of the Fede­ral Govern­ment will take place in Jena on Novem­ber 20 and 21, 2023. This year’s event is the­med “Digi­tal Trans­for­ma­ti­on in a Time of Chan­ge: Sus­tainable. Resi­li­ent. Future-ori­en­ted.” Around 1000 par­ti­ci­pan­ts from poli­tics, busi­ness, sci­ence and civil socie­ty will dis­cuss topics and solu­ti­ons regar­ding digi­tal trans­for­ma­ti­on.

As part of the Digi­tal Sum­mit, the city of Jena and the Free Sta­te of Thu­rin­gia are orga­ni­zing the Mar­ket of Digi­tal Oppor­tu­ni­ties — a trade fair that show­ca­ses many are­as in which digi­tal tech­no­lo­gy is alre­a­dy included and will be used in the near future. The asso­cia­ti­on Digi­tal Jena e.V. and ORISA as its sup­port­ing mem­ber are natu­ral­ly hea­vi­ly invol­ved in the pre­pa­ra­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on.

ORISA will have its own booth at the Mar­ket of Digi­tal Oppor­tu­ni­ties. whe­re various aspects of pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on will be pre­sen­ted and dis­cus­sed. One focus for pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­tors that fits in with the the­me of the Digi­tal Sum­mit and often recei­ves too litt­le atten­ti­on is on the sus­taina­bi­li­ty of the con­fi­gu­red pro­ducts. This includes the inclu­si­on of pro­duct lon­ge­vi­ty, careful and con­scious use of resour­ces and savings on mate­ri­als. This infor­ma­ti­on can help gui­de users in sel­ec­ting their indi­vi­du­al pro­ducts (gui­ded sel­ling). The inte­gra­ti­on of simu­la­ti­on and digi­tal twins into the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on pro­cess also helps con­ser­ve resour­ces and sell sus­tainable pro­ducts. ORISA can also explain the­se aspects using demons­tra­tors.

A stan­dar­di­zed and nor­ma­li­zed data foun­da­ti­on is essen­ti­al for a suc­cessful pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­tor. This can be accom­plished by struc­tu­ring the Asset Admi­nis­tra­ti­on Shell (AAS), which ensu­res com­pli­ant data exch­an­ge throug­hout the pro­duct life cycle. Howe­ver, deri­ving stan­dar­diza­ti­ons such as the Digi­tal Name­p­la­te DNP (Digi­tal Name­p­la­te accor­ding to ISO IEC 61406) or the Digi­tal Cali­bra­ti­on Cer­ti­fi­ca­te (DCC) from the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on is also a pos­si­ble step towards making Indus­try 4.0 sus­tainable.

Tog­e­ther with the experts from cdmm GmbH, ORISA will be pro­vi­ding infor­ma­ti­on about pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on, stan­dar­diza­ti­on, the Digi­tal Qua­li­ty Docu­ment (DQD), pro­cess opti­miza­ti­on, and pro­cess stan­dar­diza­ti­on at the Mar­ket of Digi­tal Oppor­tu­ni­ties. Join us at the Digi­tal Sum­mit in Jena to explo­re exci­ting topics around the the­me Digi­tal Trans­for­ma­ti­on in a Time of Chan­ge: Sus­tainable. Resi­li­ent. Future-ori­en­ted.

You can find the ORISA booth at the Ernst-Abbe-Cam­pus (Ernst-Abbe-Platz 8, Buil­ding J of the Uni­ver­si­ty, 07743 Jena).