For the second time this year, ORISA dona­ted the “Jena Pri­ze for Civil Cou­ra­ge”. The award cerem­o­ny took place on Sep­tem­ber 27 in Jena­’s town hall. As an open-min­ded com­pa­ny from Thu­rin­gia, ORISA is hap­py to sup­port this pri­ze, which sends out a signal against dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on and exclu­si­on.

This year, Moritz Hen­ni­ger was hono­red for his unpre­ce­den­ted inter­ven­ti­on during a school event. In June, Moritz show­ed civil cou­ra­ge during a vio­lent alter­ca­ti­on in the school play­ground when a fel­low pupil atta­cked and inju­red ano­ther. He cal­med the inju­red man with breathing exer­ci­s­es that he knew from the vol­un­t­a­ry fire depart­ment. When the inju­red boy­’s father arri­ved, the situa­ti­on came to a head again. Moritz acted quick­ly and con­s­truc­tively, sup­port­ed the tea­cher, cal­led for help and cal­med down the sur­roun­ding pupils. He thus hel­ped to defu­se the situa­ti­on and stood by frigh­ten­ed class­ma­tes.

Con­gra­tu­la­ti­ons to Moritz, who set a sign of com­pas­si­on and soli­da­ri­ty through his exem­pla­ry beha­vi­or. After all, mutu­al respect is the basis for moving for­ward tog­e­ther, not only in a pro­fes­sio­nal con­text, but also in socie­ty.

Bildnachweis: KoKont