Extensions with SAP® VC/IPC


Customised solutions for configuration with SAP®: Expertise and support from ORISA

ORISA can refer to exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence from cus­to­mer pro­jects in the use, adapt­a­ti­on and exten­si­on of the SAP® con­fi­gu­ra­tor IPC. Our cus­to­mers bene­fit from our many years of expert know­ledge, tech­no­lo­gi­cal exper­ti­se and direct coope­ra­ti­on with the SAP® deve­lo­p­ment teams. Our adapt­a­ti­ons and exten­si­ons secu­re the soft­ware life cycle by main­tai­ning the release sta­bi­li­ty of the over­all appli­ca­ti­on.

We support your team with the following project topics:


The effi­ci­ent and cor­rect crea­ti­on of models in VC Mode with com­pa­ti­ble sup­port of the SAP® IPC requi­res expe­ri­ence, very good know­ledge of the model­ling syn­tax and exten­si­ve pro­duct know­ledge. Espe­ci­al­ly for the model­ling acti­vi­ties for sys­tem con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on with the SAP® SSC (Solu­ti­on Sales Con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on) in advan­ced mode, many years of know­ledge are neces­sa­ry.


To inte­gra­te the SAP® IPC vari­ant con­fi­gu­ra­tor into the various sce­na­ri­os of your sales pro­cess, we pro­vi­de appli­ca­ti­on and inter­face pro­gramming that auto­ma­ti­cal­ly pro­ces­ses the call and data trans­fer.

Operating concept

Our prac­ti­cal expe­ri­ence shows that exten­si­ve adapt­a­ti­ons of the inter­face to the needs and cor­po­ra­te iden­ti­ty of the cli­ent com­pa­ny are neces­sa­ry within the pro­ject. The excel­lent trai­ning of our team in the use of SAP® pro­gram­me enhance­ment con­cepts and the con­cepts of the W3 allow an effec­ti­ve and favoura­ble imple­men­ta­ti­on of your requi­re­ments and ide­as.

Alter­na­tively, the user inter­face can also be imple­men­ted with the ORISA Web Frame­work. This imple­men­ta­ti­on offers the fol­lo­wing advan­ta­ges:

  • Crea­ti­on of clear ope­ra­ting screens for com­plex mul­ti-level dyna­mic models
  • Per­for­mance increase by trans­mit­ting only the chan­ged data for review
  • Sta­ble view wit­hout fli­cke­ring


Cus­to­mi­sed func­tions, dis­play and navi­ga­ti­on ele­ments, pro­ces­sing and ana­ly­sis func­tions extend the scope of ope­ra­ti­on and func­tion­a­li­ty of the appli­ca­ti­on. Our exten­si­ve know­ledge in the use of SAP® pro­gram­me enhance­ment con­cepts allows us to effi­ci­ent­ly imple­ment your requi­re­ments and ide­as.

Product visualisation

An exten­si­on pre-imple­men­ted by ORISA crea­tes vivid dyna­mic pro­duct visua­li­sa­ti­ons.

Offline — Usage

The appli­ca­ti­on and ope­ra­bi­li­ty of the SAP® IPC local­ly on a PC wit­hout an Inter­net con­nec­tion is enab­led by an addi­tio­nal off­line sce­na­rio. The off­line solu­ti­on includes:

  • the avai­la­bi­li­ty and iden­ti­cal use of the soft­ware com­pon­ents and con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on data in online and off­line mode
  • the dis­tri­bu­ta­bi­li­ty of the appli­ca­ti­on and con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on data from a cen­tral sys­tem to the local, off­line working PCs, trans­fer and dis­tri­bu­ti­on via CD-ROM, USB stick or web ser­vice
  • the instal­la­ti­on-free start of the appli­ca­ti­on through data pro­vi­si­on with ORISA File Data­ba­se (an SQL-com­pa­ti­ble data­ba­se, tun­ed and opti­mi­sed for IPC access).

The tech­no­lo­gy used in the off­line sce­na­rio offers the fol­lo­wing advan­ta­ges:

  • data access wit­hout instal­la­ti­on or regis­tra­ti­on, also direct­ly from CD-ROM or USB stick
  • high sto­rage den­si­ty, as the data is read direct­ly from ZIP-com­pres­sed files
  • effi­ci­ent data com­pres­si­on and sto­rage, so that even lar­ge data­ba­ses (MS SQL) can be trans­fer­red unpro­ble­ma­ti­cal­ly via CD-ROM/USB stick
  • high rea­ding speed, as the data is stored in Java bina­ry for­mat and struc­tu­ral­ly opti­mi­sed
  • dri­ver clas­ses are pro­vi­ded for the use of the file data­ba­se in the IPC

The off­line working appli­ca­ti­on only requi­res an instal­led web brow­ser (IE cur­rent ver­si­on). All pro­gram­me com­pon­ents inclu­ding Java Run­time Envi­ron­ment and Apa­che Tom­cat com­po­nent are deli­ver­ed with the appli­ca­ti­on.