CREALIS® — Advantages

Added value that counts

How you can benefit from the CREALIS® product configurator

CREALIS® com­bi­nes a fea­ture-rich and user-rela­ted data main­ten­an­ce envi­ron­ment (CREALIS® PDM) with a sta­te-of-the-art pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­tor (CREALIS@ CPQ). The opti­ons that CREALIS® PDM pro­vi­des for defi­ning con­fi­gura­ble models, taking their com­plex depen­den­ci­es into account, are vir­tual­ly limit­less. The pro­duct or sys­tem to be con­fi­gu­red is pre­sen­ted to the inte­res­ted par­ty in a user-fri­end­ly envi­ron­ment via the CREALIS® CPQ pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­tor, natu­ral­ly as a web appli­ca­ti­on that is based on sta­te-of-the-art tech­no­lo­gy.

Expert knowledge on demand in various operational scenarios

Con­fi­gu­ra­tors har­bour the wis­dom of num­e­rous experts within a com­pa­ny. They pro­cess pro­duct-rele­vant data, know the cons­traints and exclu­si­ons of com­pon­ents and modu­les, make cal­cu­la­ti­ons on the basis of com­plex pri­cing models and depict the pro­duct on the basis of design data. The inner com­ple­xi­ty is not always visi­ble to the user, espe­ci­al­ly if the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on models are well-thought-out and well-desi­gned, and atten­ti­on is also paid to usa­bi­li­ty.

The fact that CREALIS® CPQ is used in the sales envi­ron­ment makes it the ide­al infor­ma­ti­on tool for pro­vi­ding the right advice to cus­to­mers. The cus­to­mer’s wis­hes beco­me con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons that are asses­sed in terms of their fea­si­bi­li­ty and con­se­quen­ces. Pri­ces, advi­so­ry text, docu­ments, images and video clips can be dis­play­ed during the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on pro­cess. The same model can be made available on the inter­net at the same time with just a few exten­si­ons, mea­ning that seve­ral dis­tri­bu­ti­on chan­nels can be made available wit­hout much effort. Sim­pli­fied infor­ma­ti­on or infor­ma­ti­on spe­ci­fi­cal­ly tail­o­red to inter­net users is available and gui­ded con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on (gui­ded sel­ling) can be inte­gra­ted. The expert know­ledge embedded in the model, which among other things gua­ran­tees the builda­b­ili­ty of the indi­vi­du­al pro­duct con­fi­gu­red, is con­stant­ly asses­sed and vali­da­ted in the back­ground.

Permanent availability

CREALIS® is a modern web appli­ca­ti­on that is available ever­y­whe­re. It sup­ports the usu­al web brow­sers and does not requi­re any addi­tio­nal plug-ins in order to run the 3D visua­li­sa­ti­ons. The sys­tem can be set up on a wide ran­ge of ser­ver vari­ants and is also available as a cloud solu­ti­on in the SaaS sce­na­rio. Sophisti­ca­ted data trans­for­ma­ti­ons ensu­re that the appli­ca­ti­on is available to every user on every device and that the­re are no tech­ni­cal obs­ta­cles to its use. CREALIS® CPQ can even be used off­line on many devices. This enables sales calls to be made easi­ly even in remo­te are­as or well-shiel­ded buil­dings.

Intuitive user interface

CREALIS® has a simp­le and intui­ti­ve user inter­face. The con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on view of CREALIS® CPQ is, as a rule, gene­ra­ted from the data stored in CREALIS® PDM and does not requi­re any spe­ci­fic imple­men­ta­ti­on. All the func­tions requi­red for a matu­re CPQ solu­ti­on are alre­a­dy available in the stan­dard ver­si­on and are ful­ly uti­li­sable. The user inter­face offers a user expe­ri­ence that has been tes­ted and opti­mi­sed many times. Of cour­se, the inter­face can also be adapt­ed to a cor­po­ra­te design in a straight­for­ward man­ner, for exam­p­le, to ensu­re a holi­stic appearance when used on the web­site or inte­gra­ted into a web shop.

Opportunities for internationalisation

CREALIS® is, of cour­se, equip­ped for inter­na­tio­nal use. The enti­re appli­ca­ti­on, inclu­ding the docu­ments, is uni­code-com­pa­ti­ble and the stan­dard ver­si­on is available in more than 15 lan­guages. The sys­tem offers mar­ket-spe­ci­fic set­tings and vali­di­ty for all struc­tures such as text, pri­ces, artic­les, visua­li­sa­ti­ons and depen­den­ci­es.

Integration via standardised interfaces

CREALIS® can be com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly inte­gra­ted into a wide varie­ty of sys­tem land­scapes and pro­cess struc­tures. For data sove­reig­n­ty, it is pos­si­ble to import artic­les and assem­blies from the super­or­di­na­te ERP sys­tem so as to gua­ran­tee a syn­chro­no­us data set. It can also be used to pro­vi­de pri­ces and pri­cing models. Syn­chro­no­us direct inte­gra­ti­on of exter­nal cal­cu­la­ti­on and pri­cing sys­tems is also a pos­si­bi­li­ty, and the­se will then take on the pri­ma­ry cal­cu­la­ti­on task. The pro­cess of defi­ning which inte­grable sys­tem can pro­vi­de key infor­ma­ti­on and whe­ther this is a sus­tainable pro­cess land­scape for the future is vital. In terms of the sales pro­cess, seam­less inte­gra­ti­on into the com­pany’s CRM sys­tem is a sen­si­ble opti­on. In this case, too, the­re are various sce­na­ri­os to con­sider — inclu­ding the use of CREALIS® CRM, which has been opti­mi­sed for sales. For enhan­ced pro­cess inte­gra­ti­on, CAD sys­tems and PIM sys­tems or PLM sys­tems can be imple­men­ted via the stan­dar­di­sed import and export inter­faces pro­vi­ded by CREALIS®.

Generate quotes and other documents quickly, accurately and flexibly

CREALIS® CPQ comes with a com­pre­hen­si­ve docu­ment gene­ra­ti­on sys­tem. Docu­ments with any con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on-rele­vant con­tent can be crea­ted using tem­pla­tes. The­se docu­ments can be sup­ple­men­ted and enhan­ced with a wide ran­ge of addi­tio­nal infor­ma­ti­on, such as data sheets and pro­duct spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons. This func­tion­a­li­ty gives you every oppor­tu­ni­ty to crea­te infor­ma­ti­ve and enga­ging quo­ta­ti­on docu­ments. Other types of docu­ments can, of cour­se, be crea­ted in the sub­se­quent con­trol­ling and orde­ring pro­cess of a con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on. For exam­p­le, order con­fir­ma­ti­ons, instal­la­ti­on ins­truc­tions or ren­tal agree­ments can be crea­ted on a role-spe­ci­fic basis.

Simple product modelling — No programming knowledge required

CREALIS® PDM (pro­duct data manage­ment) has sophisti­ca­ted func­tions that allow you to mana­ge all con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on-rele­vant data and depen­den­ci­es. Pro­gramming know­ledge is not requi­red for this. The struc­tures and manage­ment prin­ci­ples can be taught in only a few days. The pro­duct mana­gers and experts who have in-house know­ledge of the­se com­plex pro­ducts are the­r­e­fo­re given the scope to gra­du­al­ly add their know­ledge to the sys­tem and make it available as a basis for the resul­ting con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on models. Sales experts can build on the­se models and enhan­ce them with sales-spe­ci­fic infor­ma­ti­on as nee­ded.