ORISA — A Success Story
Milestones of our history from the foundation 1991 till now.
ORISA has its roots in focal Informatik GmbH, founded in 1991. The founders came from the Zeiss Corporation and wanted to autonomously use their experience in developing and producing optical components. One of their first large bulk orders was for a knowledge-based solution for the Carl Zeiss Jena GmbH which is the heart of optical production to the present day.
Further projects focusing on knowledge processing and configuration resulted in the formation of ORISA GmbH together with former IBM employees in September 1994. Based on the experiences with knowledge-based systems and building on IBM’s preliminary work on a prolog programming environment, the own product orisabase was developed; the future foundation for knowledge-based solutions. Further projects in configuration, knowledge management and database applications further expanded the wealth of experience in this area.
The result of the collaboration with Munich’s Consultancy Rademacher & Partner was the development of the product configurator CREALIS® which supports the description, maintenance and compilation of versatile products in the manufacturing industry. In April 1998 the shareholders of focal and ORISA decided to merge both companies.
Today the ORISA employees realize the majority of the revenue on an order and project basis. Clients such as SAP, Porsche, Siemens, Zeiss and Netzsch are synonymous with successful projects.