ORISA took part in the 13th Jena com­pa­ny run yes­ter­day. Just in time for the ope­ning, not only the wea­ther was at its best, but also all the par­ti­ci­pa­ting teams. Almost 3,000 par­ti­ci­pan­ts com­ple­ted the approx. 5 km cour­se and sup­port­ed social pro­jects in this way.

It was gre­at to see how many of our col­le­agues took part, some of them for the first time. Regard­less of whe­ther the rou­te was run, jog­ged or com­ple­ted at a brisk wal­king pace — ever­yo­ne can take part and find their own pace. Whoe­ver cros­ses the finish line is defi­ni­te­ly a win­ner. The com­pa­ny run in Jena show­ed us once again that it’s not just the per­for­mance that unites us, but the shared exer­cise and stami­na!

As addi­tio­nal moti­va­ti­on, our boss fired up the bar­be­cue after­wards for all tho­se who had regis­tered to take part and pro­vi­ded tasty food from the grill. With pro­s­pects like this, we are alre­a­dy loo­king for­ward to com­pe­ting tog­e­ther again at the next com­pa­ny run! 😉


Firmenlauf team
Firmenlauf Vorbereitung
Firmenlauf Start