The “Jena Prize for Civil Courage” is being awarded for the 23rd time this year and has a long history of recognizing courageous people who have shown civil courage. The aim of this award is to bring civil courage into the public eye, to encourage people to reflect and to rethink their own actions. The central question remains: What does moral courage mean to me?
We are therefore delighted that ORISA is once again supporting the Jena Prize for Civil Courage this year! In the midst of challenging times, we would like to help emphasize the positive in our society by sponsoring this award. ORISA’s leitmotif — “Innovation through configuration” — stands for the idea that progress is not only based on technological developments, but also on the intelligent adaptation of existing resources, ideas and values. Civil courage also often requires adaptation and the willingness to go against existing norms and injustices, even if this can be uncomfortable or challenging.
From our daily work in the team, with customers and partners, we know that mutual respect is the basis for moving forward together. And so we consider it immensely important to strengthen this understanding in society. The Jena Prize for Civil Courage is a sign against discrimination and exclusion and we are pleased to be able to support this signal.
From our daily work in the team, with customers and partners, we know that mutual respect is the basis for moving forward together. And so we consider it immensely important to strengthen this understanding in society. The Jena Prize for Civil Courage is a sign against discrimination and exclusion and we are pleased to be able to support this signal.
KoKont (coordination office of the Jena City Program and contact office of the Round Table for Democracy) is still looking for inspiring people who show through their actions that compassion and solidarity are the cornerstones of our society until June 23, 2024. Suggestions for award winners can be submitted here.