The “Jena Pri­ze for Civil Cou­ra­ge” is being award­ed for the 23rd time this year and has a long histo­ry of reco­gni­zing cou­ra­ge­ous peo­p­le who have shown civil cou­ra­ge. The aim of this award is to bring civil cou­ra­ge into the public eye, to encou­ra­ge peo­p­le to reflect and to rethink their own actions. The cen­tral ques­ti­on remains: What does moral cou­ra­ge mean to me?

We are the­r­e­fo­re deligh­ted that ORISA is once again sup­port­ing the Jena Pri­ze for Civil Cou­ra­ge this year! In the midst of chal­len­ging times, we would like to help empha­si­ze the posi­ti­ve in our socie­ty by spon­so­ring this award. ORISA’s leit­mo­tif — “Inno­va­ti­on through con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on” — stands for the idea that pro­gress is not only based on tech­no­lo­gi­cal deve­lo­p­ments, but also on the intel­li­gent adapt­a­ti­on of exis­ting resour­ces, ide­as and values. Civil cou­ra­ge also often requi­res adapt­a­ti­on and the wil­ling­ness to go against exis­ting norms and inju­s­ti­ces, even if this can be uncom­for­ta­ble or chal­len­ging.

From our dai­ly work in the team, with cus­to­mers and part­ners, we know that mutu­al respect is the basis for moving for­ward tog­e­ther. And so we con­sider it immense­ly important to streng­then this under­stan­ding in socie­ty. The Jena Pri­ze for Civil Cou­ra­ge is a sign against dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on and exclu­si­on and we are plea­sed to be able to sup­port this signal.

From our dai­ly work in the team, with cus­to­mers and part­ners, we know that mutu­al respect is the basis for moving for­ward tog­e­ther. And so we con­sider it immense­ly important to streng­then this under­stan­ding in socie­ty. The Jena Pri­ze for Civil Cou­ra­ge is a sign against dis­cri­mi­na­ti­on and exclu­si­on and we are plea­sed to be able to sup­port this signal.

KoKont (coor­di­na­ti­on office of the Jena City Pro­gram and cont­act office of the Round Table for Demo­cra­cy) is still loo­king for inspi­ring peo­p­le who show through their actions that com­pas­si­on and soli­da­ri­ty are the cor­ner­sto­nes of our socie­ty until June 23, 2024. Sug­ges­ti­ons for award win­ners can be sub­mit­ted here.

Zivilcourage-Preis, ORISA Software GmbH