Efficient CPQ Software with AI for Your Product Configuration

Automated Processes thanks to Artificial Intelligence

Knowledge-Based Systems: How AI Boosts Your Productivity

The AI-powered CREALIS® CPQ soft­ware inte­gra­tes and auto­ma­tes pro­ces­ses rela­ted to pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on, pri­ce cal­cu­la­ti­on, and, ulti­m­ate­ly, quo­te gene­ra­ti­on. The embedded rules are used to make decis­i­ons, sol­ve pro­blems, and draw con­clu­si­ons. This goes bey­ond mere­ly attemp­ting to repli­ca­te human thought struc­tures on a com­pu­ter. In fact, know­ledge-based con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on solu­ti­ons like CREALIS® CPQ have long held a place in the realm of AI sys­tems. Known as “expert sys­tems” or “know­ledge-based assis­tance sys­tems,” they are desi­gned to sup­port humans in sol­ving spe­ci­fic pro­blems. Even wit­hout addi­tio­nal ele­ments such as machi­ne lear­ning, deep lear­ning, or gene­ra­ti­ve AI like ChatGPT, AI-powered CPQ soft­ware encom­pas­ses seve­ral aspects of the Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on’s “AI Taxo­no­my,” inclu­ding know­ledge repre­sen­ta­ti­on, auto­ma­ted reaso­ning, and auto­ma­ted plan­ning. As a result, it demons­tra­b­ly acce­le­ra­tes quo­te gene­ra­ti­on while redu­cing errors. For high-per­for­mance com­pa­nies, its imple­men­ta­ti­on can be con­side­red stan­dard prac­ti­ce.

What are the Key Features for a Seamless Quotation Process and Secure Order Fulfillment?

In CREALIS® CPQ, offer manage­ment is ful­ly audit-pro­of, and chan­ge his­to­ries are trans­par­ent­ly traceable. Access to quo­ta­ti­on docu­ments is gover­ned by a secu­re per­mis­si­ons struc­tu­re, and sen­ding docu­ments asso­cia­ted with a quo­te is simp­le and user-fri­end­ly. During the quo­ting pro­cess, offers can be saved at any time, ide­al­ly as a new revi­si­on. After a con­tract is fina­li­zed, the order is seam­less­ly trans­fer­red into the con­nec­ted order manage­ment sys­tem or ERP for fur­ther pro­ces­sing. All infor­ma­ti­on neces­sa­ry for order pro­ces­sing, such as the indi­vi­du­al and struc­tu­red bill of mate­ri­als (BOM), is included. If the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on out­put alre­a­dy con­ta­ins detail­ed work plans, the­se are also han­ded over to the neces­sa­ry sys­tems. With CREALIS® CPQ, manu­al efforts in the quo­ta­ti­on pro­cess and order manage­ment can be lar­ge­ly eli­mi­na­ted.

moderne Produktkonfiguration mit KI

What Makes CREALIS® CPQ an Intelligent Expert System?

Despi­te signi­fi­cant chal­lenges in defi­ning arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence, the Euro­pean Com­mis­si­on’s AI Watch has addres­sed this issue by adop­ting a descrip­ti­ve approach. Based on exis­ting attempts at defi­ni­ti­on in con­texts such as com­pu­ter sci­ence, poli­tics, or eco­no­mics, the aut­hors deve­lo­ped an “AI Taxo­no­my” that iden­ti­fies key terms to help deter­mi­ne whe­ther a par­ti­cu­lar tech­no­lo­gy can be clas­si­fied as AI. It should be noted, howe­ver, that the­se are only key­words, and it is unli­kely that any AI appli­ca­ti­on satis­fies all the­se aspects.

European AI Taxonomy: How CREALIS® CPQ meets the Criteria

ORISA can undoub­ted­ly be con­side­red a pio­neer in this field, having work­ed on AI-rela­ted topics sin­ce the 1990s. The result is the powerful AI con­fi­gu­ra­tor CREALIS® KI-CPQ, which uses object-ori­en­ted and rule-based mode­ling to cap­tu­re pro­duct know­ledge. The new­ly revi­sed, CREALIS®-specific AI com­po­nent is par­ti­cu­lar­ly effi­ci­ent in map­ping rela­ti­onships bet­ween indi­vi­du­al com­pon­ents, pro­ducts, or even enti­re assem­blies and pro­duct groups. This ensu­res a user-fri­end­ly and main­tainable con­fi­gu­ra­tor. It allows a multi­tu­de of attri­bu­tes to be assi­gned to each com­po­nent, assem­bly, or pro­duct, which can then be inter­re­la­ted.

Efficiency and error-free Quote Generation through AI

The AI-dri­ven CREALIS® con­fi­gu­ra­tor uses know­ledge-based and auto­ma­ted pro­ces­ses to assem­ble a pro­duct step by step based on the com­pon­ents’ attri­bu­tes and manu­fac­tu­ra­bi­li­ty rules. For exam­p­le, this ensu­res that when con­fi­gu­ring an indus­tri­al boi­ler, sel­ec­ting an appro­pria­te bur­ner is straight­for­ward, as the con­fi­gu­ra­tor only offers bur­ners with matching attributes—even if they are pro­du­ced extern­al­ly. The same appli­es to sui­ta­ble micro­scope len­ses, the right nozz­les for cus­tom car wash sys­tems, appro­pria­te laser modu­les for cut­ters, or any other ima­gi­nable pro­duct your com­pa­ny offers.

Next-Generation AI Components – Flexibility and Precision

The “AI Taxo­no­my” fun­da­men­tal­ly distin­gu­is­hes bet­ween the core of AI and its count­less other aspects, appli­ca­ti­ons, and exten­si­ons, such as the ethics and phi­lo­so­phy of AI or spe­ci­fic use cases like robo­tics. For the­se fields, the under­ly­ing domains are iden­ti­fied along with con­cise key­words.

Intelligent Modeling and Automated Maintenance: The Future of Configuration

This approach of defi­ning attri­bu­tes and their rela­ti­onships is signi­fi­cant­ly more fle­xi­ble than purely rule-based sys­tems or cons­traints. Unli­ke tra­di­tio­nal solu­ti­ons, it allows for a wide varie­ty of pos­si­ble com­bi­na­ti­ons wit­hout requi­ring each com­bi­na­ti­on to be expli­cit­ly defi­ned and pro­grammed. Thanks to this intel­li­gent soft­ware archi­tec­tu­re, CREALIS® KI-CPQ enables high­ly com­plex mode­ling with an enorm­ous ran­ge of pro­ducts and vari­ants. Every pos­si­ble pro­duct struc­tu­re can be easi­ly repre­sen­ted and mode­led.

The com­ple­te rede­sign of the CREALIS®-specific AI com­po­nent also makes main­ten­an­ce par­ti­cu­lar­ly easy: a new part or pro­duct sim­ply needs to be assi­gned the appro­pria­te attri­bu­tes to be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly inte­gra­ted into the con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on model. This mini­mi­zes effort, even with com­plex and vari­ant-rich models, ensu­ring your AI-dri­ven con­fi­gu­ra­tor remains up to date with mini­mal effort.

The Future of Product Configuration with CREALIS® CPQ and Artificial Intelligence

Cont­act us to learn more about the powerful pos­si­bi­li­ties of AI-dri­ven CREALIS® CPQ and arti­fi­ci­al intel­li­gence. Our team of experts will be hap­py to assist you with the imple­men­ta­ti­on and use of inno­va­ti­ve AI tech­no­lo­gies for your pro­duct con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on.